Markdown To Html C#

  • Light and a dark theme, Auto save, Live Preview, Convert html to markdown, Save to Dropbox.source implementation of Markdown for C# and Javascript.
  • Markdown to html, Html to markdown.

Markdown Implementations

Either direct or other lists

Code to convert markdown to html is available in all major programing languages. Download it, then, just run.

  • stackoverflow Question 11 lists some and references

Specific implementations

In Python universe, some packages. There are more.

  • Markdown with its features

In Perl, there is a package:

Wikipedia has a list that is reproduced here, so that we can add/remove columns and Markdown processors.

Name Language Type Description Official site

mmd2pdf Autoit - MultiMarkdown to PDF convertergoogle code

md2html.awk Awk Converter Markdown to Htmlbitbucket

apache-mod-sundown C Apache HTTPd module Using Sundown C librarygithub
Discount C Library and HTML converter -site
libpandoc C Multiconverter -github
peg-multimarkdown C - Using parsing expressing grammar (PEG)github, github fork
peg-markdown C - Using parsing expressing grammar (PEG)github
PEG Markdown Highlight C Syntax highlighter Using parsing expressing grammar (PEG)site
Sundown C - -github
libupskirt C Parser Fork of libsoldoutgithub
libsoldout C Parser Simple parser onlysite
Doxygen C++ Sourcecode documentation generator Doxygen supports Markdown with extra featuressite
Cpp-Markdown C++ Generator Markdown to HTMLsourceforge
RStudio C++ IDE for R (programming language) C++ wrapper for sundownsite
Qarkdown C++ Editor (Qt) Simple crossplatform Markdown editor using Qtsite

MarkdownSharp C# - -google code
MoonShine C# - -github C# - -github
markdown-clj Clojure Converter Generates HTML from Markdown, compiles to both Clojure and ClojureScriptgithub

Blackfriday Go - -github
Goskirt Go - -github
MaTeS Go Converter to HTML5 Creates web pages or presentation slides. Supports citation, tables, math and
Upskirt.go Go - -github

Pandoc Haskell Converter (Multiformat) -site
Sundown HS Haskell - -github
MarkdownJ Java - -google code
pegdown Java - -github
MarkdownPapers Java - Implementation based on a JavaCC parsersite
Txtmark Java - -github
Markdown4j Java - Extensible markdown java implementationgoogle code
Dillinger JavaScript Editor 'WYSIWYM' editorsite, github
uedit JavaScript Editor 'WYSIWYM' editorgithub
node-discount JavaScript - node.js binding for Discountgithub
markdown-js JavaScript - Parser for JavaScript/node.jsgithub
marked JavaScript - A fast markdown parsergithub
PageDown JavaScript Webeditor and viewer Used by Stack Exchange sitesgoogle code and github
PageDown-Bootstrap JavaScript Webeditor and viewer Fork of PageDown which uses the Twitter Bootstrap template frameworkgithub
Showdown JavaScript Webeditor and viewer -site/github JavaScript Webeditor and viewer Minimalist Online Markdown Editorsite
TextDown JavaScript Editor plugin for Chrome -chrome store/github
texts.js JavaScript Node.js module PEG-based grammar, intermediate format in JSONgithub
markdown.lua Lua - -luaforge
Lunamark Lua Converter HTML and LaTeX convertergithub
lua-discount Lua Binding -site

node-multimarkdown Node.js Parser Native MultiMarkdown extension for Node.jsgithub
RobotSkirt Node.js - -github
node-markdown Node.js - Parse Markdown syntax with node.jsgithub
gfm Node.js - The port of Showdown used on github.comgithub
Markdown Perl 6 Parser Markdown parser in Perl 6github Perl Converter to (X)HTML Official author perl markdown implementationsite
MultiMarkdown Perl Converter Markdowns originals MultiMarkdown supersetsite, github
text-markdown Perl Converter to (X)HTML -github
markdown-oo-php PHP Converter to (X)HTML Object-oriented implementation of Markdowngithub
markdown-handler PHP Converter to (X)HTMLgithub
PHP Markdown PHP Converter to HTML -site
PHP Markdown Extra PHP Converter to HTML Markdown with extra optionssite
PHP Markdown Extended PHP Converter to various formats (HTML, MAN, extensible) Markdown extended syntaxgithub
PHP Markdown Viewer PHP Viewer Wrapper for PHP Markdownsite
secondcrack PHP Blog A static-file Markdown blogging enginegithub, site
qlmarkdown Objective C - A Mac OS X Quicklook extension that uses Discount.github
Python-Markdown Python - A implementation with various extensions such as tables and ignoring internal bold/italic
Misaka Python Binding Python binding for Sundownsite
BlueCloth Ruby - -site
BlueFeather Ruby - -site
ffi-sundown Ruby - -github
gimli Ruby Markdown to PDF -gimli
kramdown Ruby Library -rubyforge
md2man Ruby Converter Markdown to manpagegithub Ruby Webviewer and Editor A nifty markdown notepadsite/github
Maruku Ruby Interpreter -github
RDiscount Ruby Binding Ruby binding for Discountgithub
Redcarpet Ruby Binding Ruby binding for Sundowngithub
Knockoff Scala - -site
Actuarius Scala - -site
Lowdown Chicken Scheme Parser library (egg) Can emit SXMLchicken wiki, Bitbucket
markdown.bash Bash Converter Markdown to HtmlGithub

Alternative lightweight markup formats

Retrieved from ''

Because GitHub's README styling is actually really nice


If you have a little side project, often you might want a simple landing page. The GitHub README rendering is really beautifully done: clean, simple and modern. The official GitHub markdown to HTML API generates the HTML code, but not the stylesheets necessary to make it look nice.


Using your GitHub README as the main landing point works great for open source projects, where your visitors are developers and are familiar with GitHub, as well as you have all the text right where the code, the Issues and PRs are. But for some projects this isn't ideal. I built this project within a few hours for myself to get WalkWithFriends off the ground fast, without investing in building an actual website, or using a bloated website builder.

Some issues you run into when using GitHub as your main landing page

  • Maybe your project isn't actually an open source project, so you can't just host a README on GitHub
  • If you want to link to just the README, you could append #readme to your browser URL (making the URL less pretty), or the visitor has to know they have to scroll down
  • The mobile page of GitHub is still pretty bad, and it only renders the first few lines, as soon as you have a logo and badges on your page, it doesn't render at all, unless the visitor hits View all
    • Non-tech visitors don't know what's a
    • The button is small, and people don't know what is
    • GitHub renders the GitHub Pulse below, something that doens't make sense for non-tech visitors
    • The URL changes from something nice like to, meaning you can either link directly to this page to have a nice content, or you link to the root page and have the downside of the extra buttons
    • Nat announced, that they working on improving the mobile experience, which is great news for everybody :)
  • You can't use your own domain
  • If you use your own domain, you have to use GitHub Pages (which is excellent btw), but then you have to have HTML files ready, which is exactly what this project solves.


A simple script that converts a markdown (.md) file to a single HTML file, that includes all the HTML and CSS code inline, so you can host it anywhere.

There is no need to use this script if you already convert your markdown file to HTML, you can directly use the stylesheet of this repo.

How it works

This project doesn't actually use the GitHub stylesheet, it's far too complex, and has legal implications.

Instead this project does 2 things:

  • Convert the Markdown to HTML using showdown, the most popular JS markdown parser. This could be replaced by the official GitHub markdown to HTML API
  • Inject the GitHub-like CSS code at the bottom of the page

Resulting you get an HTML file that contains everything needed, so you can host the page on GitHub pages, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage or anywhere else.

  • Check out the original markdown file of this README
  • Check out the raw generated HTML code generated based on this markdown file on
  • Check out the GitHub rendered README
  • Check out the README rendered by this project


This will read the from your current working directory and output the resulting HTML as README.html to the same directory.

Open tasks

Render Markdown To Html C#

Check out the open issues, in particular code blocks currently don't support syntax highlighting, however that's something that's rather easy to add. For a minimalistic stylesheet we could take the styles from css.

Playground to test

  • Bullet list item 1
  • Bullet list item 2
    • Bullet list item 2.1
    • Bullet list item 2.2
  1. Numbered list item 1
  2. Numbered list item 2

Inline code comments are 100

Quoted texts are more gray and look differently


Bold text is bold and inline links work as well.

Markdown To Html C# Nuget

Markdown To Html C#

Header 2


Header 3


Header 4

Header 5

Normal text content again, lorem ipsum

Text 1 Text 2 Text 3
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

C# Parse Markdown To Html

🔰 Raw HTML code for custom style 🔰