Nvm Cheat Sheet

nvme-cli provides NVM-Express user space tooling for Linux.

  1. Nvm Cheat Sheet 2020

Version: 1.11.1

Nvm Cheat SheetNvm cheat sheetsNvm cheat sheet 2019

General Commands

nvmethe NVMe storage command line interface utility (nvme-cli)
nvme-admin-passthruSubmit an arbitrary admin command, return results
nvme-ana-logSend NVMe ANA log page request, returns result and log
nvme-attach-nsSend NVMe attach namespace, return result.
nvme-changed-ns-list-logSend NVMe Changed Namespace List log page request, returns result and log.
nvme-compareSend an NVMe Compare command, provide results
nvme-connectConnect to a Fabrics controller.
nvme-connect-allDiscover and Connect to Fabrics controllers.
nvme-create-nsSend NVMe Namespace management command to create namespace, returns results.
nvme-delete-nsSend NVMe Namespace Management delete namespace command, return result.
nvme-dera-statSend NVMe Dera Device status and Additional SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-detach-nsSend NVMe detach namespace, return result.
nvme-device-self-testPerform the necessary tests to observe the performance and the parameters
nvme-dir-receiveSend a directive receive command, returns applicable results
nvme-dir-sendIssue a directive send command, returns applicable results
nvme-disconnectDisconnect one or more Fabrics controller(s).
nvme-disconnect-allDisconnect from all connected Fabrics controllers.
nvme-discoverSend Get Log Page request to Discovery Controller.
nvme-dsmSend NVMe Data Set Management, return results
nvme-effects-logSend NVMe Command Effects log page request, returns result and log
nvme-endurance-logSend NVMe Endurance log page request, returns result and log
nvme-error-logSend NVME Error log page request, return result and log
nvme-flushFlush command.
nvme-formatFormat an NVMe device
nvme-fw-commitUsed to verify and commit a firmware image.
nvme-fw-downloadDownload all or a portion of an nvme firmware image.
nvme-fw-logSend NVMe Firmware log page request, returns result and log
nvme-gen-hostnqnGenerate a host NVMe Qualified Name
nvme-get-featureGets an NVMe feature, returns applicable results
nvme-get-logRetrieves a log page from an NVMe device
nvme-get-ns-idRetrieves the namespace ID for an NVMe block device
nvme-get-propertyReads and shows the defined NVMe controller property for NVMe over Fabric
nvme-helpHelp information.
nvme-huawei-id-ctrlSend NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-huawei-listList all recognized Huawei NVMe devices
nvme-id-ctrlSend NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-id-nsSend NVMe Identify Namespace, return result and structure
nvme-id-nvmsetSend NVMe Identify NVM Set List, return result and structure
nvme-intel-id-ctrlSend NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-intel-internal-logRetrieve Intel device's internal log and save to file.
nvme-intel-lat-statsSend NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-intel-market-nameSend NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-intel-smart-log-addSend NVMe Intel Additional SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-intel-temp-statsSend NVMe SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-io-passthruSubmit an arbitrary io command, return results
nvme-listList all recognized NVMe devices
nvme-list-ctrlSend NVMe Identify List Controllers, return result and structure
nvme-list-nsSend NVMe Identify List Namespaces, return result and structure
nvme-list-subsysList all NVMe subsystems
nvme-lnvm-createInstantiate a target on top of a LightNVM enabled device
nvme-lnvm-diag-bbtblDiagnose the bad block table
nvme-lnvm-diag-set-bbtblSet a block state in the bad block table
nvme-lnvm-factoryFactory reset a LightNVM device
nvme-lnvm-id-nsIdentify Geometry for LightNVM NVMe device
nvme-lnvm-infoShow general information and registered target types with LightNVM
nvme-lnvm-initInitialize LightNVM device with media manager
nvme-lnvm-listList all recognized LightNVM NVMe devices
nvme-lnvm-removeRemove an initialized LightNVM target.
nvme-netapp-ontapdevicesDisplay information about ONTAP devices
nvme-netapp-smdevicesDisplay information for each NVMe path to an E-Series volume
nvme-ns-descsSend NVMe Identify for a list of Namespace Identification Descriptor structure, return result and structure
nvme-ns-rescanRescans the nvme namespaces.
nvme-readSend an NVMe Read command, provide results
nvme-resetReset the nvme controller.
nvme-resv-acquireAcquire an nvme reservation
nvme-resv-registerRegister an nvme reservation
nvme-resv-releaseRelease an nvme reservation
nvme-resv-reportSend NVMe Reservation Report, parse the result
nvme-sanitizeSend NVMe Sanitize Command, return result
nvme-sanitize-logSend NVMe sanitize-log Command, return result
nvme-security-recvSecurity Recv command
nvme-security-sendSecurity Send command
nvme-self-test-logRetrieve the log information initited by device-self-test and display it
nvme-set-featureSets an NVMe feature, returns applicable results
nvme-set-propertyWrites and shows the defined NVMe controller property for NVMe ove Fabric
nvme-show-hostnqnGenerate a host NVMe Qualified Name
nvme-show-regsReads and shows the defined NVMe controller registers for NVMe over PCIe or the controller properties for NVMe over Fabrics.
nvme-smart-logSend NVMe SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-subsystem-resetReset the nvme subsystem.
nvme-telemetry-logRetrieves a Telemetry Host-Initiated log page from an NVMe device
nvme-toshiba-clear-pcie-correctable-errorsReset the PCIe correctable errors count to zero.
nvme-toshiba-vs-internal-logRetrieve a Toshiba device's vendor specific internal log and either save to file or dump the contents.
nvme-toshiba-vs-smart-add-logRetrieve a Toshiba device's vendor specific extended SMART log page contents and either save to file or dump the contents.
nvme-transcend-badblockRetrieve Transcend NVMe device's bad blocks.
nvme-transcend-healthvalueUse NVMe SMART table to analyse the health value of Transcend device.
nvme-virtium-save-smart-to-vtview-logPeriodically save smart attributes into a log file (csv format).
nvme-virtium-show-identifyShow a complete detail of identify device information in json format.
nvme-wdc-cap-diagRetrieve WDC device's diagnostic log and save to file.
nvme-wdc-clear-assert-dumpClears the assert dump (if present).
nvme-wdc-clear-fw-activate-historyClears the firmware activate history table.
nvme-wdc-clear-pcie-correctable-errorsClears the pcie correctable errors field returned in the smart-log-add command.
nvme-wdc-drive-essentialsRetrieve WDC device's drive essentials bin files and save to a tar file.
nvme-wdc-drive-logRetrieve WDC device's drive log and save to file.
nvme-wdc-drive-resizeSend NVMe WDC Resize Vendor Unique Command, return result.
nvme-wdc-get-crash-dumpRetrieve WDC device's crash dump.
nvme-wdc-get-drive-statusSend the NVMe WDC get-drive-status command, return result
nvme-wdc-get-pfail-dumpRetrieve WDC device's pfail crash dump.
nvme-wdc-id-ctrlSend NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-wdc-log-page-directoryRetrieves the list of Log IDs supported by the drive
nvme-wdc-namespace-resizeResizes the device's namespace.
nvme-wdc-purgeSend NVMe WDC Purge Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-purge-monitorSend NVMe WDC Purge-Monitor Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-drive-infoSend the NVMe WDC vs-drive-info command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-error-reason-identifierRetrieve WDC device's telemetry log error reason identifier field
nvme-wdc-vs-fw-activate-historyExecute NVMe WDC vs-fw-activate-history Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-internal-logRetrieve WDC device's internal firmware log and save to file.
nvme-wdc-vs-nand-statsSend NVMe WDC vs-nand-stats Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-smart-add-logSend NVMe WDC vs-smart-add-log Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-telemetry-controller-optionDisable/Enable the controller initiated option of the telemetry log page.
nvme-writeSend an NVMe write command, provide results
nvme-write-uncorSend an NVMe write uncorrectable command, return results
nvme-write-zeroesSend an NVMe write zeroes command, return results

Nvm Cheat Sheet 2020

Vimdiff cheat sheet. ##git mergetool. In the middle file (future merged file), you can navigate between conflicts with c and c. Choose which version you want to keep with:diffget //2 or:diffget //3 (the //2 and //3 are unique identifiers for the target/master copy and the merge/branch copy file names). But using nvm, we can track the version, as well as automate the switch back, and that’s what we’ll talk about today. Nvm is Node Version Manager. It primarily allows you to switch between isolated Node environments for different versions. If you’ve used rvm/rbenv in Ruby, it’s similar to that.