
/api/cask/arkiwi.json (JSON API) Cask code on GitHub. Current version: 4.0,400. Analytics: Installs (30 days) arkiwi: 8: Installs (90 days) arkiwi: 8: Installs (365 days).

Many thanks to the people behind Arkiwi!:) September 3, 2012. Online the results of the CTF organized by BackTrack Italia, where the winners ('coma' and his crew) attacked and defeated Ariel, the first machine of the CTF. Also, a nice video taken with the A.R. Drone of BackTrack's guys:). 5.0 out of 5 stars Warmrails. Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2008. Verified Purchase. Having lived in Europe and New Zealand a warm towel rail is fairly commonplace in most household bathrooms. With winter coming I wanted to find a similar product that would work for our bathroom. And this one did.

Kdenlive 0.9.6

Aspettiamo con ansia la versione 1!

Ha superato il test nella creazione basica di video amatoriali.

Unico Software video a permettere l’integrazione dei metadati all’interno dei file ogg.

Spero si specializzi nei formati liberi, cosí da diventare concorrenziale a livello professionale.

Devo ammettere che la gran parte delle volte che il software crasha é per un mio errore, o incaponimento nell’uso inappropriato di immagini png e jpg.

Adatto alla creazione di brevi clips, ha retto un rendering di 6:30 di video con 4 tracce videoo, animazione frame by frame con png sequence, ogni livello ridimensionato e color corrected, con 20 minuti di rendering.

Arkowitz and lilienfeld

Niente male!

Arki wiki

Un cruccio che ci siamo portati appresso era l’impossibilitá nelle versioni precedenti di fare “reverse speed” che ora é un effetto disponibile per far girare il video al contrario.

MacDroid app is a very helpful solution for those who use Mac or MacBook, at the same time preferring an Android device to an iPhone. Android and macOS cannot natively work together, hence there is a vital need for an interface that would not only connect the two systems but also allow safe and smooth file transfer between them.

With MacDroid you get the convenience of connecting Mac and an Android phone or tablet and accessing the portable device's content in the Finder. You will be able to transfer photos, music, videos as well as entire folders. You'll only need a USB cable to connect your phone to computer, MacDroid will take care of everything else.

Transfer your photos

You can access your Android photos in the Finder app and easily drag them with your mouse cursor to any folder on your Mac.

Transfer music to your phone

You can add your favorite tracks to Android from your Mac or vice versa and enjoy the music on the go.

Watch videos when offline
Ark wireless

Got some great new episodes that you want to watch, but not planning to take your computer with you? Not a problem! You can transfer them to your Android and watch on a plane, on a train, or while having an Uber ride.

Arki Wiki

Edit Android files directly from Mac

Ark Wind Turbine


Ark Wireless

When you don't really feel like moving files around, you can edit your Android files with your favorite Mac app without actually saving them to your computer.