Display_server_not_supported Anydesk

Ubuntu startup program

Home setup: Dual Boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu/xfce, with Ubuntu being the default boot option after 60 seconds. TP-Link Router & Arris SB6141 Modem, Comcast Internet connection.
I'm on vacation far from home for a week, before I went I decided to set up ssh and AnyDesk on my desktop so I could do some remote coding (what's a good vacation without work? ). After a bit of trial and error, got them running just fine on both my iPhone (Shelly) and my Windows 10 laptop (PuTTY), and the AnyDesk client on both.
Well it's two days into my vacation and after a few successful sessions, all the connections have decided to drop entirely. PuTTY gives a 'connection timed out' error, Shelly gives a 'Network is unreachable' error when I use the port I set it up on (any other ports it just stalls out on), and AnyDesk tells me 'The desk is not available'.
My modem is still running (xFinity app shows it working and I can ping my IP address), and I don't think my IP changed since Shelly gives different responses with the right and wrong port numbers. I asked my neighbor and she said the computer is still on, though she couldn't tell what it was doing, and I very highly doubt a power outage occurred (never had any issues with the PC randomly rebooting/shutting down either...though I can't rule it out obviously.)
So the questions...
1) What are the most likely causes?
2) Is there any way I can at least check if the PC is running?
3) Do I have any method of re-connecting?
4) Can I minimize the chances of this happening next vacation?
Thank you all very much in advance
Display_server_not_supported Anydesk

In general AnyDesk should run on most Linux distributions, however only the following are officially supported:

Anydesk on startup
Main Window
- Ubuntu 18.04 and newer
- Debian 9 and newer
- Fedora 30/31/32
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 and newer
- CentOS 7 and newer
- OpenSUSE 42/15

If your Linux installation is not listed above, there is no guarantee that AnyDesk will work or work correctly, and we can't provide support for other distributions.
Also, changes with the Xorg server aren't supported, which can happen by the use of programs like xrdp etc.

Ubuntu on VPS (Gnome Desktop and Xrdp installed) - Anydesk “DisplayServerNotSupported” message. First of all: I can easily connect via RDP from Windows, log in with Xorg and then use the desktop enviroment. But for ease of use i wanted to use AnyDesk. I have installed AnyDesk. How to install AnyDesk on Rhel 8 / Centos 8.ITSUΣATION. Hello Dear Friends,This is the official channel of it summation (ITSUΣATION. Step 2: Install AnytDesk. After downloading the file, go to the /Download folder and right-click the downloaded file then Open With Software Install as shown in the image below. When Ubuntu Software app opens, click the Install button to install AnyDesk. Doing this should start the installation. If your Linux installation is not listed above, there is no guarantee that AnyDesk will work or work correctly, and we can't provide support for other distributions. Also, changes with the Xorg server aren't supported, which can happen by the use of programs like xrdp etc. A Graphical Interface is needed.

A Graphical Interface is needed. More information on the installation dependencies can be found in our Installation article.

Anydesk Display Server Not Supported

Important: Please keep in mind that Wayland sessions (selectable in your login screen) aren´t supported. Please make sure an Xorg session is running.

You can check if you use Wayland by entering the following in the terminal: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE

Anydesk On Startup

Display server not supported anydesk

Anydesk Headless

Remove License

Anydesk Display Server Not Supported Debian

To remove your licence in the GNU/Linux version, open the menu in the upper right.
Go to 'About AnyDesk' and open 'Enter license key' and press 'OK'. Your license will then show 'free-1'.