Salvaged Cast Iron Post Boxes

A resounding bronze bell or delicate sacristy carillon may not be seen, but certainly felt. Visit and hear the ringers of our past.

+ Images in this gallery show most of the church bells we have for sale.

+ We can arrange delivery across the country via freight or traditional (USPS / FedEx) services.

Southern Metal 1 Dragonfly Mailbox Post Accent Brackets, Cast Iron 9 inch, (Mailbox & Post not Included) - B-10. 5.0 out of 5 stars 5. Save 15% at checkout. Cast Iron Letter Box - Vintage Wall Mount Mailboxes - Wall Mounted Mail Box - for Home Office Indoor Outdoor Entryway Gate Decoration. These are working post boxes, and are ideal for gardens, walls, and driveways. The majority of our boxes are actually not originals, but very good reproductions. The casting of the Iron and the antique style is difficult to distinguish from genuine British antique post boxes you may have seen. Made from quality and sturdy cast iron, and are indistinguishable from the original thing, they make a striking impact to. AUCTION 4 Very Old Truck Cabs MTD Riding Mower, Salvage 3 Radiators Ford Pick-up Bed, Salvage 12 +/- Bud Wheel Truck Rims Shopbuilt Self Pr. Our goal is to build direct relationships with the people who support our company. That’s why we reject the traditional retail system and sell exclusively through our website.


+ We buy used church bells and entire church contents confidentially.

Salvaged cast iron post boxes wholesale

Old Cast Iron Post Boxes

+ Current inventory includes hand and wall mounted sacristy bells, a 28' tower Shane bronze church bell and more.

Our company supplies antique and high quality vintage items, primarily Catholic. However we often find buyers for any style or period from Pre-Vatican II to modern.

Salvaged Cast Iron Post Boxes

Cast Iron Cooking and Maintenance

    Table of Contents:
  • Non-Stick Tests on Completely Unseasoned Skillets - Fried Egg Test, Scrambled Eggs, Baking Cornbread in Unseasoned Skillet.

Cast Iron Column

X force keygen autocad 2009 64 bit. In about 2007, my Mother-in-Law gave us several cast iron pieces that had been in the family for a few generations, but were just stored in boxes, unused. We weren't ready to learn how to use cast iron but we didn't want to get rid of them, so we just left them boxed up and moved them around the country for a decade. (Being in the military, we move every 2-3 these have made a few cross-country trips!) But recently, I deciced to restore them and learn how to cook with cast iron! They weren't in terrible shape, but the seasoning needed some attention on all of them, and a few had some rust. I built an electrolysis tank for some of them, and others I just sanded a bit before a few seasoning cycles in the oven.

Gratuitous Pic of Brownies
(Cornbread Skillet Link)

Since then I've started looking for old or interesting cast iron pieces when we drop by Goodwill or flea markets. Sometimes there are good finds; other times the places are a little too proud of their stuff.. I'm not going to become a collector or anything, but I'm having fun learning how to restore and use them so I'll keep going until I get bored. Most likely, the kids will end up with some usable sets of cast iron cookware when they're ready!

So I'll use this page to document some of the lessons I learn along the way, tips and tricks for cooking and maintenance, resources where I learn good info, etc. Hope others find this helpful!